Acceptance is a feeling. Feeling is a vibration.

Throughout my travels and trainings, I have expereinced the power, the choice, and the simplicity, of acceptance.
People have shared their concern that if they accept a situation, a feeling, a person or a result, they will always have that. But I found that acceptance is an incredible agent of change. The paradox seems to be, complete acceptance, without expectation of a change, allows for change.
We hear it said in our every-day wisdoms, "Change is the only constant", or "What we resist, persists". I like what Tabaash, who I have interviewed on my YouTube Channel says, "What you focus on, becomes your life". We can draw on these wisdoms to understand our selves and know what works for us.
The feeling of being a mouse on a wheel, or being caught up in circumstances and reactions, can come from a lack of observation. Sitting back and taking stock, in moments of ease and reflection, presents the opportunity for the momentum aof thought and emotion to subside and for our wisdom to be heard. We can see clearly. We can assess with true feeling. We can move forward benefitting from our wisdom and state-of-being.
There is peace in acceptance. There is balance. And when there isn't, you can accept that too. Inevitably, it is there.
Much pressure and conflict is formed from a lack of acceptance. Other people's views and choices, your own personal daily efforts and results, feelings about world dynamics and what is possible. Over-focusing on all these things can be quite disturbing. Just watch TV at 6pm every night for a week to see what I mean. Acceptance is un-disturbing!
In 2001-2002, when I did my initiating walk around the world with nothing, I was in South India for five months. After three months of feeling ,many things and having various buttons pushed, I realised that India was not going to change. I had to.
With that inner change, the remaining months were peaceful and serene. Yes, there were challenges, but considering I had deliberately chosent o travel without a safety net, that was understandable. The safety came from my own ability to observe and move forward in life, as life. The entire trip was stimulating my expansion and of course, preparing me for more life.
In this time we live in, with so much inner change happening, and so many world systems under review for evolutions. or simply breaking down to make way for the new, acceptance is essential so that we are not overwhelmed or distracted.
The different forms of modern connectivity have offered up so much knowledge and opportunity to so many. But, this should not be at the cost of our own ability to be in harmony, and create from a point of peace, in ways that make sense to us.
Acceptance is felt in the body. It is not just a thought in the head. Put your self in a comfortable place sometimes and let the busyness of the mind slow down a bit. The mind, body and spirit, are designed to work in harmony as a team, so these moments encourage and allow life be affected and created with an essence and depth.
Continue to be all you can be. Create all you can create, daily. Share and care often. And let it all carry the energy from which you have created it.