Mind Body Spirit Consulting
Feel better about your self, and bring your best to what you are doing with the balance and the power that you are.
​Light Body Training is a Premium Mind-Body-Spirit Consultancy providing training, mentoring, assistance, and new perspectives for greater health, clarity, balance, productivity and success. ​
Effective daily training
Personalised approaches specifically for the mind, body and spirit of the client
Respect of the individual, and their situation, is a platform for more life
Expansion of consciousness is an outcome of this sincere focused training and mentoring
A proven methodology with intuitive elements
Excellent training for leaders and high performing individuals in direct, honest, supportive and encouraging ways
Through this dedicated work I share the tools, skills and practices that I have gathered and, that have worked for me., I have seen the effects and evolutions enhanced by integrated training and practices with my clients throughout my 27year career.. People have let go stress, become skilled at centering themselves, had better function, fitness, and ease in their body, and have witnessed the 'Ripple Effect' in their lives. From how they feel and perform, to their family life, business ventures, and in their conscious awareness. This inevitably, has opened doors for them and allowed them to see more, which there always is.
It is my pleasure, to express who I am in my work and to see clients benefit in ways that are effective and life enhancing. Contact me to inquire of availability for dedicated international contracts or, private hourly sessions both in-person or online.
​About Paul
Originally from New Zealand, I have had great opportunity to travel the world, both as a facilitator In this work, and simply due to my being passionate and interested in life.
My travels have enriched me. None more so than a walk around the world with nothing for ten months. This has been described as being "akin to an ancient initiation". I have also lived for sustained periods in both Kuwait (5yrs) and Japan (9yrs), with shorter periods in other countries.. I experienced both a high level of professional success as a private trainer in Kuwait, and significant personal alignment through my training within two traditional martial arts and the numerous benefits of living within the Japanese culture and land.
From this centred alignment, I speak to empowerment and true personal leadership.
In such times of inner change, and world change, the importance of having tools and utilising them has been highlighted. I believe these are simple things, and they are easy to implement. They make sense. I also believe that we have all the power within us, so it is just a matter of organising our selves to higher levels in Mind, Body and Spirit so that we experience our own evolutions. Our life is encouraging us to do just this. Evolve.
We are a presence and we can feel that way, often
​This is what Light Body Training is.
Talk to you soon,

PS Paul Stewart ~ Active Projects